*NEW WEBSITE FEATURE* – Owners articles
— 26 Nov 2009
With over 2000 Humphreys designed boats out on the water it is inevitable that one or two may end up in the hands of a high profile custodian. Having sat down and had a think about who these owners were it dawned on us that the majority came from an architectural or design background. Whilst not been overly surprised by this, it is actually quite flattering when one looks at how many other designs are available.
In a series of reports, written by the owners, we reveal the decision making processes that led some of these people to buy a Humphreys design, we find out about their favourite cruising grounds and future sailing plans.
Starting with Naval Architect and engineer Nigel Gee, we are offered an interesting insight into his love of sailing and his adventures to date in his Southerly 135.
We hope you enjoy these articles and please do not hesitate to contact the office here at HYD if you would like any further information on any of these featured yachts.