Team Russia Finish Leg 1 of the Volvo

— 06 Nov 2008

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Team Russia finishing Leg 1 (Photo: Rick Tomlinson)

Under blue skies, 20 knots of wind and the stunning backdrop of Table Mountain, Team Russia crossed the Cape Town finish line on Monday in sixth place. Leg 1 proved to be a real roller-coaster ride for all the teams with some exceptionally close racing and regular position changes. Team Russia was no exception and having battled her way up to third position going into the doldrums, a tricky transition through the ITCZ left her trailing the fleet on entering the South Atlantic.

However some fantastic and gritty sailing by the team resulted in some good 24 hour runs, eventually overhauling Delta Lloyd and the damaged Telefonica Black and challenging Telefonica Blue for fifth position before running out of runway. Leg 2 from Cape Town to Cochin, India starts on 15 November.

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